You must be this tall to ride the Kickstarter Roller Coaster

We are still in the first year of Up&Go and it has been one heck of a ride! Back in November we launched our Kickstarter campaign and set out for a crowdfunding goal of $5,000. At the end of thirty days we had 91 backers and raised a total of $5,072 to help jumpstart the company!

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Even though 91 individuals contributed towards the kickstarter campaign on a monetary basis, there were many, many more who showed their support and encouragement in their own way. We want to extend a huge thank you to every single one of those individuals- you know who you are. You made next steps possible and will always be special to Up&Go Supply Co.!

Throughout the duration of the kickstarter and since the inception of Up&Go we have sent our backpacks to places all over the world. Some of those places include Cuba, Italy, Puerto Rico, Croatia, Canada, Turks and Caicos, Mexico, Dominican Republic, and states all over the U.S.

We are very happy with our world map coverage but we haven’t even scratched the surface. There are more adventure to go on, more places to see, and more friends to make. Our vision is to have Up&Go products all over the world. The Packable Backpack is a staple product, but stay tuned for more exciting additions.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Our Kickstarter was a success and we are on our way to bigger and more exciting chapters- as always, invest in adventure and get out there!

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